Friday, April 17, 2009


Kind of like this blog I've started, there's a lot of things I want to achieve and get out of life. I want to be creative, be inspired as well as an inspiration, be comfortable with who I am but still growing. I'm deep at times yet forgetful. I jump from being intensely motivated to being stagnant and feeling blocked. I guess I'm just your average confused girl.

Now that I'm 23 years old and married, I realise that I'm no longer that extremely shy high school girl that hated pink. I'm older but still growing and maturing and learning how to be a woman. And I don't mean the kind that knows how to get what she wants whatever it takes despite the consequences to others. I want to be nurtured by faith, hope, love, kindness, patience, gentleness, truth - and I want to be all these to those around me.

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